Portland House & Outdoor Living Show

April 4-6, 2025 — Oregon Convention Center, Hall C


Friday, April 4
12:00 PM - 6:00 PM12:00 PM -
6:00 PM

Saturday, April 5
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM10:00 AM -
6:00 PM

Sunday, April 6
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM11:00 AM -
5:00 PM


Oregon Convention Center, Hall C

777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97232

Parking & General Information

There are plenty of parking options available within blocks of the Oregon Convention Center.

Admission Price

Adults $5

Children 17 and under FREE


The House & Outdoor Living Show, located in the Oregon Convention Center is the perfect event for the Portland homeowner who is planning for the year ahead. Our customers know that meeting their potential contractor face-to-face is the most valuable way to select professional, reliable expertise for upcoming home improvement projects.

For three days, the Oregon Convention Center provides an approrpriate and spectacular setting for the most innovative and informative home and garden exhibits and experts. Our exhibitors know that this show gives them a head start at a time when new contacts are traditionally most rare and thus most valuable. They come back year after year to meet Portland's home-owning elite -- people who put a premium on maintaining properties that are beatiful, functional and trend-setting.


This is your opportunity to:


• Meet Portland-area homeowners with a strong interest in home improvement
• Take your place among the region’s top home and garden professionals
• Showcase your products and services in a quality trade show environment





Portland Build, Remodel & Landscape Show

Northwest Remodeling Expo

Tacoma Remodeling Expo




Download show resources here. If there is something missing please contact us.

Move-In & General Information (PDF)

For detailed information regarding move-in and move-out, please click the link above. If there are additional questions regarding move-in, contact Deana Escudero with L&L Exhibition Management at 612-213-9200.

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Exhibitor Rules & Regulations (PDF)

All Exhibitors must review the Exhibitor Rules for the Oregon Convention Center. Please sign this form acknowledging you have read and will abide by the rules and regulations. Return via email to

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Exhibitor Services Ordering Instructions (PDF)

If you need to order electrical, compressed air, plumbing or internet service, please follow the link above and select the House & Outdoor Living Show from the list of events. If you have any questions, contact the Oregon Convention Center directly, at 503-235-7578.

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Food/Beverage Sampling Policies and Form (PDF)

If you will be sampling food or beverages in your booth, please sign the above form and fax to the Oregon Convention Center catering department at 503-731-7888. If you have any questions please contact the Convention Center directly at 503-731-7828.

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Exhibitor Catering Menu & Forms (PDF)

If you are interested in ordering catering services to your booth at the House & Outdoor Living Show, please download the form above and return to

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Venue Approved Flooring Tape (PDF)

View the PDF above to see the approved flooring tape for adhering your booth flooring to the venue.

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Oregon Convention Center Sustainability Guidelines (PDF)

The Oregon Convention Center strives to send as little material as possible to the landfill through recycling, composting and donating left over goods. Please review the guidelines above to help reduce waste.