Tacoma Remodeling Expo

March 6-8, 2026 — Greater Tacoma Convention Center


Friday, March 6
12:00 PM - 6:00 PM12:00 PM -
6:00 PM

Saturday, March 7
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM10:00 AM -
6:00 PM

Sunday, March 8
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM11:00 AM -
5:00 PM


Greater Tacoma Convention Center

Exhibit Halls A & B 1500 Commerce St, Tacoma, WA 98402

Admission Price

Adults $5

Children Under 18 FREE




The Tacoma Remodeling Expo, located at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center, March 6-8, 2026, is the perfect event for the Tacoma-area homeowner who is planning for the year ahead. Our customers know that meeting their potential contractor face-to-face is the most valuable way to select professional, reliable expertise for upcoming home improvement projects. 

For three days, the Convention Center provides an upscale and spectacular setting for the most innovative and informative home and garden exhibits and experts.  
Our exhibitors know that this show gives them a head start at a time when new contacts are traditionally most rare and thus most valuable.  They come back year after year to meet Tacoma's home-owning elite—people who put a premium on maintaining properties that are beautiful, functional and trend-setting.


 This is your opportunity:

• Meet Tacoma-area homeowners with a strong interest in home improvement
• Take your place among the region’s top home and garden professionals
• Showcase your products and services in a quality trade show environment






Download show resources here. If there is something missing please contact us.

Food Vendor Permit Application (PDF)

All food vendors are required to obtain a Temporary Food Establishment Permit on or before February 19th, 2025 to avoid late fees. Please download the application above and contact the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at (253) 649-1703 or with any questions.

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Venue Approved Flooring Tape (PDF)

View the PDF above to see the approved flooring tape for adhering your booth flooring to the venue.