Colorado Springs Home Building & Remodeling Show

January 16-18, 2026 — Norris Penrose Event Center

  OUR EXHIBITORS say it best!



Good promotion, I was told by many people they saw multiple commercials and heard promos. Great leads, I had 42 perspective clients fill out request for further contact sheets and talked with probably close to 80 others.



Janell Bartlett   –   JKC DESIGN Kitchen & Bath Remodeling




I generated roughly 50% more contacts than last year. The quality of the leads are excellent, they are all very solid!
Brian Zakavec   –   High Altitude Painting

"Good advertising. Excellent leads. Best show in quite a few years. Top notch! "
Neal Keller    –  Home Storage Remedies


Very good promotional campaign. I heard ads several times leading up to the Expo. The quality of leads were above average, excellent turnout and lots of visitors to out booth. We only do this show. We enjoy this show and plan to continue to use this as our annual season kick-off.

Bill Garrett   –  Always Green Turf


If we were rating on a scale of 1-10, y’all would be an 11. We were very happy with the venue, turnout, and staffing was incredible. We sold out of all of our product and collected over 200 contacts, not including the business contacts after the show. Amazing results. The return was very high compared to other marketing campaigns.


Hearthstone Native



Michael Hopkins  –  HearthStone Native





Traffic was outstanding, better than anywhere else!



Harold Jones   –   Tallon Services LLC DBA WATER WORKS 




Fantastic (pr campaign). The best so far, other show does not come close, # 1!



Barry Richardson  –  Barry Floors


